After FDR was elected to office, he set up the New Deal and that included a serious bank reform package that included four levels of preparedness of banks. the levles of preparedness were anywhere from fit to open to closed forever. FDR “ buil[t] [them] up, [and] [broke] [them] down” to ensure that only fit banks would be able to serve the public due to them having both the funds and the security to have people both withdraw and deposit money to the banks with the secure knowledge that the banks will have the money that is needed for their patrons to withdraw all of the money that they want to within set limits. The banks that were not 100% ready to open could accept money into bank accounts that they could not withdraw from them and other banks that were better than that patrons could withdraw lessened amounts of money at one time. All of these advansements happened in FDR’s first 100 days and he is the reason that is such an important thing in current presidential elections.